Last Sunday I did another colour themed shoot nd the colour of the day was BLAcK.

This is one of the rare shoot that I do plan a bit ahead and we have been in discussion about this shoot, Vicky, the model, and I for quite sometimes.

This wasn’t meant to be one of my colour themed shoots, as we start planning for the shoot way before I actually started the series, but because of the circumstances and the story that I wanted to create, I have decided to give it the BLAcK colour.

I must say that  have had quite a few requests to shoot BLAcK and still am thinking of another sub-series for this awesome colour.

For this shoot, I didn’t have my usual cameraman for the making of video (I usually call it BTS for Behind The Scene, but it is now so widely used so I though I’d call it differently …again) because I planned to shoot … video.

The original idea of this shoot was to create a video from my D-SLRs but once on location, the head I planed to use for continuous light … didn’t work. I then decided to switch the Canon 5D Mark III in continuous burst (6 fps) and shoot the whole sequence with off camera flash.

I wanted to have some ambient light for the background so I set a slow shutter speed which, in turn, allowed me to use a wide aperture and limit the flash output for the continuous burst of light.

Check out the video of the  first sequence (burst of 90 images) shot in RAW with off camera flash below the photos. Montage using EFFECTS.

Vicky in BLAcK_ by Nomad Photography for australian photo