This entry is another shot from the archives.

I took this image back in April 2009 in Brisbane. I was wandering around the CDB area and walked through a small shopping arcade. It night have been during lunch time and the arcade was pretty quiet. Acting as a street photographer, I decided to hang around a bit and wait for something to happen.

It was not a few minutes wait that a couple came by and stopped by the bridal shopfront. I can still hear, or imagine, them say: “..remember ..” or “.. that would be the perfect gown for ..”

I put this print into the APPA (the famous Canon AIPP Australian Professional Photography Awards) in 2009 but the print finished a couple points behind an Award.. I still like it though. What about you?

Street photography for Australian Photo

I took this picture using a Canon 5D Mark II and an Ef 16-35 f/2.8 L II lens.

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