Magic Summicron
Having used equipments from various brands, I have been on the crusade for The lens that I would settle as the One.
Before I came to use Leica, I’ve been aware of their legends in regard of their lenses but I was far from the real feeling of tasting one, yes tasting.
A lot of people around the planet are ranting about why a tiny piece of glass would cost more than a complete system from another brand. Why would one spend a small fortune on a system where everything is manual and .. there isn’t even live view..
Well, the answer that I always gave when asked is that it’s hard to explain but, once you try one, very easy to understand. Leica is more than a camera, it’s an attitude. The Leicaman uses Leica to differentiate himself from the crowd. He doesn’t pretend to be a better photographer, he’s just a quiet shooter always ready to deliver very high quality images.
Often associated with street photography, the Leica M system is very capable of every assignment and remember, legend photographers have put their name in photography history shooting with ONE lens and most of them used Leica.
A quick image taken with my Leica M9 and a Leica M 50mm Summicron from a recent shoot (Near Mist).
Model: Kassandra Utzinger
Make Up by Amanda Michelle (Wiseman)