San Francsico – Street Photographer
I was wandering the streets of San Francisco with my Leica M9 and when waiting for the light to cross the street, I noticed this street photographer.
I couldn’t resist but taking a few shots of him. I was really impressed how relaxed and cool he was. This is what I would call the perfect street photographer look. And the truth is if you shoot like this, no one would find you intrusive even when you point your lens at them.
The best way to blend in is to stand out.
Waiting for the crossing lights to come to green, I was taking a few photos of my surroundings when ..
This relaxed street photographer came into sight. I couldn’t resist but staying back observing him.
The profile of a perfect street photographer should be cool, relaxed. One hand in the pants pocket and always connected to some cool music.
Shoot on one hand and make sure you always have something to chewing gums too.
Frame and shoot in the most relaxed way ever, one hand. Make sure to take a few shots in continuous burst following the subject, especially when it’s moving.
Always be ready for the next action shot. Frame carefully.
Once the shot is in the box, follow the subject to check for the next shot opportunity..
Be smart, be ready.