Zoey DeLuca
The first time I met Zoey, it was at Skyfire .. can’t remember the year. I saw her because she stood out of the crowd.
If you are from the Canberra region(Australia’s Capital), you’d know that Skyfire is a yearly event that gathers a bit more than 120 000 people in one spot. Standing out of that crowd is not a simple thing to achieve :o) Zoey was with a friend of hers, Taylah.
Anyway, I saw her, shot her and post the pix on my FB page, and looked for her/them. While you’re at it, go and hit that like button to show some love ..!
Lucky enough, they came forward and what was meant to happen .. happened. I shot them both. .. I’ll need to be careful here as when I say shoot I meant photograph them.
More about photoshoot with both of these gorgeous in another post. This one is all about Zoey.
Don’t you think she has an air of Candie (Candice)..?